Instructions for authors
in Developmental Period Medicine
1. Developmental Period Medicine/Medycyna Wieku Rozwojowego is a journal published by the Institute of Mother and Child in Warsaw. It is indexed in MEDLINE/PUBMED. The journal publishes original research studies, reviews, clinical case studies, public health studies and communications, both in Polish and in English. It is preferable for the texts to be submitted in English.
2. Manuscripts should be sent to the editors’ address in two copies of single-sided computer printouts, on A4 format paper with a margin of 4 cm on the left side and double space between the lines. Authors are asked to make the text available on electronic media and specify the word processor used, preferably be Word for Windows. Texts can be sent by e-mail.
3. Original articles, together with tables, figures and references should not exceed 21 600 characters (12 pages), reviews 36 000 characters (20 pages).
4. The front page of the manuscript should contain:
– the title of the article in English and Polish
– the author(s)’ forename(s) and surname(s)
– the authors’ affiliation
– their scientific titles
– the first letter of the first name and the surname of the head of the institution.
5. The text of original research studies must have the following structure: introduction, aim, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions (which cannot be a summary of the paper). Abbreviations must be preceded by the full text when first used. In research studies in which investigations were carried out on human beings or animals, as well as in clinical studies, approval of the Bioethics Committee must be obtained and relevant information be included in the manuscript.
6. An abstract of 200-250 words should precede the main article. Abstracts in English and in Polish should contain the following structure: aim, material and methods, results, conclusions. Abbreviations should not be used in the title or the abstract.
7. Key words (3-6) will be printed both in English and in Polish, according to the Medical Subject Heading Index Medicus Catalogue (MeSH) website Key words should not be a repetition of the title.
8. Illustrative material may include clear black and white or colour photographs on glossy paper, or clearly contrasting, carefully executed technical drawings on white paper. Photographs must be scanned on CD-ROM. On the back of each figure, please mark the top, and write the name of the author, title of the article and number of the figure. Captions for the figures should also be provided on a separate page in Polish and English. The text in the figures should also be both in Polish and in English.
9. Tables, their titles and content should be written both in English and Polish in Word for Windows in A4 format, with double spacing. All the footnotes referring to each table should be placed underneath the text of the table. Please mark on the margin of the text where the table or figure should be inserted.
10. References should be given in the order of citation and should be limited to those quoted in the text. In original articles, the number of references should not exceed 30, while in review papers 40. Each reference should include the surname(s) of the author(s) and the first letter of their first name(s), the title of the article, the abbreviated title of the journal (according to Index Medicus), the year, and number of the first and last page. When quoting book references, give the surname of the author(s), the first letter of the first name, the title of the chapter, the title of the book, the publisher, the place and year of publication. It is allowed to cite Internet references with the URL, with the date when the article was used and, if possible, the names of the authors.
11. After the references, the surname and first name, correspondence address, telephone number and e-mail address of the first author should be given.
12. The submitted manuscript must include a statement signed by all the authors describing the impact of each individual in preparing the article (concept and plan of the work, data collection and analysis, responsibility for statistical analysis, writing the article, critical review, etc.) including a declaration they take full responsibility for its contents. The statement must also include the assurance that the contents have not been published or sent for publication in other journals.
13. The authors also state that there is no conflict of interests at the time of submission, such as:
– financial (employment, counseling, paid reviews, stock ownership, remuneration, etc.)
– personal links
– academic competition or other competition that can have an influence on the content of the paper
– sponsoring of research or other studies involved in the submitted paper at the stage of designing research, collecting and interpreting data, or writing a report.
A conflict of interests takes place when one or more authors has links of financial dependence with industry (through investment, employment, owning stocks or remuneration), directly or through the immediate family. If the work concerns products sponsored by a firm, the authors must include this information.
14. Submitted papers are peer-reviewed by two independent reviewers and are then qualified for publication by the Editor in Chief. Reviews are anonymous. The authors receive each reviewer’s comments concerning corrections or disqualification. The review procedure follows the recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education published as “Good Practice in Review Procedures in Science” (Warsaw 2012) and was described in detail on the website.
15. The editing board reserves the right to make relevant editing corrections.
16. Accepting the article for publication means that the copyright of the papers belongs to the editors of Developmental Period Medicine/Medycyna Wieku Rozwojowego.
17. The authors receive one copy of the journal free of charge. On request, access to the PDF file containing their article is available.
18. Manuscripts not concordant with the above instructions will be returned to be corrected.
19. The editors do not return papers which have not been commissioned.
20. The editors take no responsibility for the contents of the advertisements.
Editorial Board of the „Developmental Period Medicine” asks Authors to provide ORCID identifiers.
Please submit your manuscript and their electronic version to:
Developmental Period Medicine
Institute of Mother and Child
ul. Kasprzaka 17a, 01-211 Warszawa
tel. (22) 32 77 197
e-mail: [email protected]