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The journal will accept only manuscripts in English


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ISSN 1428-345X

e-ISSN 2354-0060

Developmental Period Medicine, established as a truly interdisciplinary journal, provides a unique opportunity for both clinicians and researchers to bridge the communication gap between various disciplines. We fully appreciate that early stages of life are a critical period in the human development timeline. Our Journal publishes original research and clinical papers with particular emphasis on the continuum between fetal life through perinatal to postnatal periods and beyond.

Devoted to provide a more holistic perception of early human growth and development, the Journal integrates contributions pertinent to the following subject areas: male and female fertility and infertility, preconceptional care, obstetrics, fetal medicine, perinatal care, neonatology, pediatrics, adolescent medicine, and early (fetal in particular) origins of adult disease.

Papers on relevant aspects of epidemiology, biochemistry, physiology, metabolism, and nutrition are all considered and receive special attention. Similarly, longitudinal studies in childhood, from the neonatal period to infancy, nurseries, school age children, youths, adolescence, emerging adulthood and onward are considered to be of vital interest.

Recently accepted papers tackled the following topics and clinical problems:
- prematurity – obstetric and neonatological problem,
- newborns with low and extremely low birth weight,
- congenital anomalies, including congenital defects or orofacial parts of the skull,
- genetic diseases and syndromes, particularly cystic fibrosis
- disturbances of psychosomatic development
- immunological disorders in children,
- circulatory (including heart defects), respiratory and alimentary disorders in children,
- child and youth oncology,
- inborn errors of metabolic disorders, including diabetes mellitus and overweight/obesity,
- prophylactic measures of pre- and postnatal care for mothers and children and youth.

The Editorial Board of Developmental Period Medicine would like to make the announcement that starting from issue 1/2019 the journal will accept only manuscripts in English.
Editorial Board of the „Developmental Period Medicine” asks Authors to provide ORCID identifiers.

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